what is Activated OSHC?

Activated OSHC is an evidence-based program designed in consultation with the OSHC sector, government and child health experts to help OSHC services deliver high-quality physical activity and screen time programming.

It includes tailored online education and support to create a policy to embed the Australian OSHC Physical Activity and Screen Time Guidelines into your service.

By becoming an accredited Activated OSHC, your service will be recognised for best practice in physical activity and screen time.

what are the benefits?


Supports children’s health and happiness


Enhances staff skills and confidence

Improves behaviour

Improves children’s behaviour and engagement at OSHC


Increased satisfaction with your service

what’s involved?

You can become an accredited Activated OSHC in 3 simple steps:

Complete the online self-paced training modules, which take approximately 1 hour in total.

Use our easy online checklist to review your current OSHC programming and identify areas for growth.

Create and submit your physical activity and screentime policy. You can use our template or make changes to your existing policy.

our team is here to support you every step of the way!

The australian oshc physical activity and screen time guidelines

Find an Activated OSHC


Fair Play OOSH Edgeworth
Muswellbrook Out of School Hours Care
The College Club


Aberfoyle Campus Schools OSHC
Aldinga Beach OSHCERS
Braeview Primary School OSHC
Brighton Primary School OSHC
Brompton Primary School OSHC
Colonel Light Gardens Primary School OSHC
Emmaus Catholic School OSHC
Fairview Park Primary School OSHC
Forbes Primary School OSHC
Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School OSHC
Goolwa Primary School OSHC
Hackham East Primary School OSHC
Hallett Cove East Primary School OSHC
Happy Haven OSHC Elizabeth North
Henley Beach Primary School Out of School Hours Care
Lockleys North Primary School OSHC
Madison Park Primary School OSHC
My OSHC Prescott
Our Lady of the Visitation School OSHC
Prince Alfred College OSHC
Saint David's Parish School OSHC
Salisbury Heights Primary School OSHC
St Augustine's Parish School OSHC
St Pius X School OSHC
Tea Tree Gully Primary School OSHC
Xavier College OSHC Two Wells
YMCA Flaxmill School OSHC


Camp Australia - Freshwater Bay Primary School OSHC
Camp Australia - St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School OSHC
Discovery Kids - Our Lady of Good Counsel
Doubleview Primary School OSHClub
Federation Of WA Police & Community Youth Centres - Kensington PCYC
Go Bananas Outside School Hours Care - Banksia Grove
Harmony OSHClub
Hillarys Out of School Care
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School Out Of School Care Programme Mirrabooka Campus
John Wollaston OSHClub
Jump Carey Early Development Forrestdale
Kalamunda Out Of School Centre
Little Learners Place Southern Hills OSHC
Mundarda Child Care Centre
Orana Outside School Hours Care
Riverlinks Child Care Centre
Sacred Heart Primary School Thornlie OSHC
Settlers OSHCLub
St. Columba's Outside School Hours Care

what services have to say

proudly endorsed by


meet the team

research team

Activated OSHC project team

industry advisory team


The Australian OSHC Physical Activity and Screen Time Guidelines were developed in consultation with national and international experts and stakeholders from the OSHC sector, education, government, health and academia. The guidelines were published in 2021 and are available here.

The Activated OSHC program is free!

Increasing children’s physical activity and reducing their recreational screen time has wide-reaching benefits for their physical health, social and emotional wellbeing, and academic performance.

Almost 200 OSHC services across Australia have engaged in the Activated OSHC research trial, here are some of the benefits that they experienced:

  • Children are more engaged and invested in activities at OSHC
  • Increased satisfaction and enjoyment from both staff and children when staff engaged in active play with the children
  • Families and schools observe that children are excited to go to OSHC
  • Supports reputation for providing high-quality service
  • Opportunity for free professional development to upskill all staff in best physical activity and screen time practices

Select your OSHC service from the drop-down menu and create your user profile. You can then access the Activated OSHC website and begin the steps to becoming an Activated OSHC. One of our friendly team members will touch base with you in a couple of weeks to chat through the program and answer any questions.

If your service isn’t in the drop-down list, you can click on the ‘My service isn’t listed’ form and provide your service details. We will give you a call to confirm these and then add your service to the website.

The four online training modules take approximately 1 hour to complete in total. Training is self-paced and can be completed in stages, or all at once, whatever you prefer.

Creating the physical activity and screen time policy is simple. Depending on whether you’re creating a policy from scratch, editing an existing policy or tweaking our sample policy to suit your service, we estimate it should take between 20 and 45 minutes.

Yes, it is! Activated OSHC accreditation recognises services for meeting the Australian OSHC guidelines for both screen time and physical activity practices. Offering no screen time means your service already meets the screen time component of accreditation. Activated OSHC is relevant to all OSHC services.

A policy states what a service will or will not do in particular situations, and why. Your policy includes procedures which gives instructions on how and who will carry out the steps to meet the policy objective. Policies enable consistent practice, provide information for families, support staff and provide ongoing working documents to guide high quality practice.

Click here for more information on policies.

Physical activity is essential for children’s physical health and wellbeing. It provides a range of benefits including better physical health and fitness, academic performance, sleep and mental health. Most importantly though, it’s fun!

Studies show that too much recreational screen time can have a range of negative effects on physical, social and psychological outcomes for children and takes away form time that they could be physically active.

Your Activated OSHC accreditation will need to be renewed after 3 years.

get in touch

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.